
Lawyer Licence

Purchase as many Lawyer License needed by you for your LawyerSign Premium, LawyerSign Deluxe or LawyerSign Advanced Website Service, so that each lawyer in your office can login and access your LawyerSign Website Service and work from anywhere.

This is the unit price for one Lawyer License charged annually.

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Administrator of LawyerSign website can assign lawyer licence to any lawyer for login and access to their LawyerSign Website.

Lawyer licence gives the right of updating records and with the power to create records for creating case postings.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Answer: Administrator login credentials is provided to you at the time of website delivery.He can manage the website and control all users.
Answer: Manager can create & update any records,but lawyer can update records as well as create case postings.
Answer: Deleting records can be done only by the Administrator; usually the person who purchased the LawyerSign Website service.
Answer: Yes, you can be change his role from lawyer to manager if you have purchased manager login licence.
Answer: Yes, Administrator can lock the employee from accessing as well as delete his profile too.
Answer: It's better you get a Manager login licence for the mid-level lawyer who can create & update records and two lawyer login licence for the junior lawyers, in toto three.
Answer: Expiry of licence is one year or your annual lawyersign website service expiry date which ever comes first.